Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Busta Rhymes went ballistic on a young gay fan who dared

to tap the rapper on the shoulder after a night of clubbing in Miami.

Rhymes, who was in South Beach for the Winter Music Conference,

has been on edge ever since one of his security guards, Israel Ramirez,

was shot dead last month in Brooklyn while guarding Rhymes'

jewelry. But it seems nothing makes the rapper's temper flare faster

than the unwanted touch of an effeminate man. The drama unfolded

at the 11th Street Diner, which is next door to gay club Twist, early

Sunday morning. "The restaurant was packed with transvestites,

gay men and drag queens, which obviously made Busta a little edgy,"

eyewitness Thomas Barker e-mails. "This became evident when

a young gay guy came up behind Busta and tapped him on the

shoulder to congratulate the rapper on his recent comeback. Before the

guy could even mutter a word, Busta turned around and repeatedly

screamed, 'Why the [bleep] you touchin' me, man? Get the [bleep]

away from me' . . . his two huge bodyguards then caused an even

larger scene by pushing the kid away . . . Busta quietly whispered

. to his bodyguards, 'I hate [bleeping] faggots, man.' " A spokeswoman

for Rhymes did not return calls. (Page Six)

What an idiot, I dont know about yall but the last time I heard gay

people have the capability to buy CDs. The last thing he wants

is the gay community to organzine and boycott his ass because I know

he needs the money. I know all them cameos on other peoples songs

aint paying that much. Simply, a fan is a fan regardless of sexual

orientation and for him to behave in such an erratic way not only ruins

his chances of garnering album sales from the gay community, but from

anyone else who frowns on his ignorance. Get over it Busa Buss....

1 comment:

Deep Fried said...

What a moron. I used to like Busta. But Busta won't be getting any of my Black gay dollars ever again.