Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Guests who took home gift bags from Sunday night's
Academy Awards ceremony may have to pay
$30,000 in taxes on their new acquisitions. The bags,
which included a $7000 Victoria's Secret underwear
set and a coupon for Lasik surgery, are worth
approximately $100,000 each. And unfortunately
for the celebrities present, the United States
Inland Revenue Service has declared that
the bags given to Oscar attendees count as taxable
income. IRS commissioner Mark Everson says,
"We want to make sure the stars 'walk the line'
when it comes to these goody bags."

I'm happy that they have to pay taxes on the

goodie bags.. The get stuff free that us regular

folx pay $100s and $1000s for and its all just because

they are celebs... Many of them brings their crew

of friends along as well and they get free bags.

Days before the Oscars at the Diamond Aquafier

Suite they were giving away gift bags with a

$1000 diamond bracelet in them and wack

ass drunk Tara Reid came in with all her

friends and took a bunch the bags and the

Aquafier people were furious because there weren't

any let over for anyone else but what could they

do... nothin because they were "free to take"...

I'm sorry I don't recall seeing Tara Reid at the Oscars

.. do you? Many celebs go to events just to get

SWAG BAGS as they call them and sell the good

on Ebay I hear.. how wack is that....

But all in all, I'm just hating cause I can't come up on one.

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