Thursday, March 09, 2006

According to The National Ledger, Star Magazine has a story
detailing the break-up of Jessica Simpson and her rumoured
rebound man Adam Levine of Maroon 5.
Adam Levine lets Jessica Simpson know its over with
a few
short taps on his keypad that said
"Really busy. Need Space."
It all started when Levine blew-off their Valentine's Day
date as Jess pressured him for answers. It took a while to sink
in and when it did, she told her best friend,
"I just got dumped."
And by text message, no less. Ouch! Not that Simpson will have
trouble finding companionship. A source tells Star that she and
British heartthrob Jude Law have been calling each other non-stop
even though they’re thousands of miles apart.

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