Monday, March 20, 2006

R. Kelly's brother Carey continues to level bombshell
allegations, about the singer's sexuality and sexual history,
the latest occurring Friday morning (March 17) with radio
personality Miss Jones on New York City's Hot 97.
As previously reported, Carey put out a tell-all DVD
about his brother called "The Drama Never Ends," which
alleges that the crooner is bisexual, has had relations with their
12-year-old female cousin and was unwilling to spend enough
money to get a good tombstone for their mother.
Carey said of his bro: "He told my mom to leave her husband,
our step-dad, or he wouldn't pay her bills. This was the man
who raised us when our dad walked away like a coward. My
mom didn't leave him, so when she died, her tombstone
was only $500."
Kelly's sibling also states that the alleged underage girl
in the now-infamous Kelly sex tape is the niece
of R&B artist, Sparkle.
Carey's appearance on Hot 97 was punctuated with a plea to the
listeners: "For anybody that really cares about R. Kelly, somebody
needs to tell him he needs help."
You can hear the actual interview here:

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