Friday, March 31, 2006

Where or where to begin in the "snow" balling story surrounding
Whitney Houston's sad state of affairs?

Days after Bobby Brown's sister Tina gave pictures and

personal accounts of Whitney's crack addiction to the National Enquirer

and The Sun tabloids, Fox411 entertainment columnist Roger Friedman

has written of new details surrounding Whitney's downward spiral,

including the singer's dire financial state and the whereabouts

and welfare of her daughter, Bobbi Kristina.

Also, Cherelle of "I Didn't Mean to Turn You On" and

"Saturday Love" fame is suddenly in the picture, having taken

Whitney in for a period of time at her townhouse, Friedman reports.

According to Friedman, who has known Whitney since her

"You Give Good Love" days, the entertainer is not only on crack,

but dead broke "with no current income and huge expenses."

Friedman says Whitney's generosity was ultimately her

financial undoing, as she has spent most of her earnings taking care

of her own family and her husband's. She her assets include a five-acre

estate in posh Mendham, N.J., assessed in 2005 at $5.6 million;

her current Alpharetta home, purchased in 2003 for $1.8 million,

almost all of which was borrowed, writes Friedman.

"The Mendham property has become to Houston what Neverland

is to Michael Jackson: a bank account against which she can

draw loans, but unlike Jackson, however, Houston

does not have investments like the Beatles catalog to fall back

on now that she's in trouble. Public records show Whitney has

borrowed millions of dollars and taken out many staggering mortgages

in her time enough to give Michael Jackson a run for his money"

Freidman writes. For some reason, Whitney left the Alpharetta

crib last fall andmoved in with Cherelle, but the two were

recently evicted from Cherelle's townhouse, reportedly for making

too much noise, keeping the place dirty and failure to pay rent.

Friedman writes: "A local Atlanta lawyer told me that he recently

had housemates Whitney and '80s pop star Cherelle

(real name Cheryl Week Norton) evicted from the luxury townhouse

he'd rented to the latter last fall. Houston's name was not on

the lease, but the landlord says she was living there and has

witnesses to back him up."

According to Freedman, the landlord claims the two ladies owe him

about $17,000 in back rent and about $8,000 in damages for leaving

the place a complete mess. "That includes carpets and furniture

ruined by burn marks and broken windows. When the landlord

went to speak to Houston about the noise

and filth emanating from the townhouse, he told me the singer

appeared 'disheveled' and her voice was gravelly. On the plus

side: 'She was very pleasant," Friedman writes.

According to sources Whitney and Cherelle abandoned the

townhouse and moved into the Buckhead section of Atlanta, but

Houston has since returned to her Alpharetta mansion, as has

Bobby, after his own partying stint in Los Angeles, Friedman writes.

"There, Brown told friends alternately that Houston was

pregnant and that they were divorcing."

Friedman, who calls Whitney's disastrous fall from grace

"the worst kind of show business tragedy," says that Bobby Brown

may have been behind Tina Brown's decision to sell the story to

the tabloids so that he could get a cut of her fee which could be as high

as $200,000, Freidman writes.

Ironically, sources say Whitney took care of Tina Brown's children

all six of them when Brown went into rehab herself. Houston's

friends tell Friedman that she always tried to keep Bobby's

relatives happy, even when she was at her worst.

"There are 30 members of the Brown family and they've all

sponged off of Whitney," says an insider.

While her generosity and real estate expenses have contributed

to her alleged financial ruin, Friedman says a huge factor also comes

from receiving poor money advice throughout the years. Because

Houston doesn't write her own songs, she does not profit from the

royalties provided by owning one's own publishing, as do

singer/songwriters Celine Dion, Mariah Carey and Madonna. This is

why Houston is reportedly broke despite all of her

platinum-selling hit records.

"It's kind of surprising that Houston fell into this trap, she's

watched both her mother, Cissy Houston, and cousin,

Dionne Warwick, neither of whom wrote their own hits, tour

endlessly every year and work to keep up with their expenses.

You'd think she would have learned something from their

experiences. Depending on just record sales to get her through

bad times was a mistake. While Houston had many bestsellers,

they are well in the past. Simply singing a hit record is not enough if

you're not going to save your money" writes Friedman.

As for Bobbi Kristina, she is reportedly staying with her

Uncle Gary and Aunt Pat (Whitney's brother and sister-in-law)

close to Houston's home in Atlanta. But Friedman believes

that the Enquirer story will inevitably lead to an investigation

by Child Protective Services in Alpharetta.

"If 50 percent of the [Enquirer/Sun] report is deemed true,

Houston and Brown could easily lose their daughter for good,"

Friedman writes. "One wonders if that will be enough of a wake-up

call for the singer who once represented the best of America's youth."

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