Tuesday, March 14, 2006

It's not enough that Jay-Z wants to run Def Jam he also has set
his sights on being a real-estate magnate like his idol, former
NBA star Magic Johnson. The two were overheard at Philippe
the other night "finalizing the buying of a building in Harlem,"
said our spy. Jay-Z's rep denies he's getting into real estate
but acknowledged the two had dinner. Meanwhile, Jay-Z
still appears to be happy with his girlfriend Beyoncé Knowles
but he seems distracted while she's out of town working on
"Dreamgirls." Witnesses saw the rapper/mogul hanging out
with two lovely ladies at the kickoff for the Armory Art
Show at Nikki Beach the other night. "We were upstairs in the
VIP area and he was with these two gorgeous women and started
talking to a friend," one source said. "He said, 'You gotta leave
now man, I'm busy getting with these two girls.' They all three left
together later." Jay-Z's rep said, "He was also hanging with
Jimmy Iovine and 20 others that your spy missed." Hmmmm

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