Thursday, March 23, 2006


Oprah Winfrey has reportedly gotten off the fence at least

publicly when it comes to the drama surrounding her "good friends"

Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt.

Star magazine quotes a source who claims the talk show maven

has promised Aniston never to have Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

appear on her show as couple, believing such an invitation would be a

slap in the face to the actress.

Although an appearance from the elusive couple would be a ratings

scorcher for Winfrey, the source admitted: "I don't think she wants

anything to do with them anymore."

"Oprah sees herself as one of Jen's best public advocates the captain

of Team Aniston," the source continued. "Oprah thinks Brad should

have had a baby with Jen. She thinks that Jen is the one that should

be pregnant right now not Angelina,"

The source also claims Winfrey is against Brangelina ever

getting married, stating: "She said she hopes it won't happen,

because deep down, in her heart of hearts she doesn't believe

they're meant to be together."

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